From the Media - Part 79
posted by mh on 2007/10/01 12:47
[ From the Media ]
More monuments: In the small Serbian town of Zitiste (near the border with Romania) a monument to the legendary on-screen boxer Rocky Balboa (played by Sylvester Stallone) has been unveiled (pic). The monument, built on initiative of the local Rocky Balboa Citizens' Association, was modeled after the one erected in Philadelphia in 1983 (pic), after having secured permission by the original sculptor. The mayor of Zitiste, interviewed by SETimes, explains: "We wanted to create a sort of tourist story. The goal is to make this town a brand. Zitiste has until now been known only for bad things -- floods, the pig plague" (and the Chicken Fest, one may add). The article continues: "Balboa was a logical choice for the monument, the association members say. The movie hero went from failed boxer to successful fighter, and eventually became champion of the world -- beating all his opponents and conquering his own demons. This, say Zitiste residents, is just what they plan to do in order to help their town prosper." On the context of this monument in a series of new monuments in Balkan towns, see also older postings here and on Sabine Ballata's ImagineSEE blog.< previous Posting next >
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