From the Media - Part 67
posted by mh on 2007/02/28 10:54
[ From the Media ]
An Interactive map of the Balkans, part of a new project by the European Stability Initiative, is to present "Balkan cities and their secrets": "Why is Novi Sad, one of the wealthiest places in Serbia and a centre of alternative culture, run by the Serb Radical Party? How is the relationship between Istanbul, the largest city of the region, and the rest of the Balkans changing? Is Tirana able to cope with its growth? What is the secret of the dynamism of Timisoara in Western Romania? What are the secrets of Pristina's past and present? To answer these and other questions ESI analysts have embarked on a journey from Rome to Istanbul across all of South East Europe. One output is our interactive map of the Balkans: a landscape of stories, books, people and, thanks to Irish photographer Alan Grant, fascinating pictures. "A work in progress, cities featured so far: Kotor, Tirana, Ohrid, Kicevo, Pristina, Peja, Mitrovica, Sarajevo, Travnik, Belgrade, Novi Sad, Temesvar, Leskovac, Plovdiv, Thessaloniki, Istanbul.< previous Posting next >
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