Books - Part 12

posted by mh on 2006/06/30 13:28

[ Books ]

A new book entitled Provincial Elites in the Ottoman Empire has been published (ed. Antonis Anastasopoulos/2005), featuring the proceedings of a conference on Crete in 2003. Relevant articles include "Belgrade: A Muslim and Non-Muslim Cultural Centre (Sixteenth-Seventeenth Centuries)", "Varos: The Elites of the Reaya in the Towns of Rumeli, Seventeenth-Eighteenth Centuries", "The Mixed Elite of a Balkan Town: Karaferye [Verria] in the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century", "Architectural Patronage of Ayan Families in Anatolia", and "Les élites urbaines à l’époque du tanzimat: le cas de Salonique". Table of Contents.



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