From the Media - Part 21
posted by mh on 2005/11/29 13:04
[ From the Media ]
Last week the UNESCO-hosted conference "Cultural Heritage - A Bridge towards a Shared Future: Second Conference of Ministers responsible for Culture in South-Eastern Europe" was held in Venice. [more info in the subtext] ---Source: Policies for Culture Newsletter
November 25-26, 2005: Cultural Heritage - A Bridge towards a Shared Future: Second Conference of Ministers responsible for Culture in South-Eastern Europe (Venice, Italy)
The event is a follow up to the July 2004 conference in Mostar, organised by the Bosnian and Italian governments in cooperation with UNESCO and the World Bank. The Mostar conference launched a regional cooperation process on cultural heritage, whose guiding principles and action lines were indicated in the Joint Declaration and in the related Action Plan approved by the SEE Ministers during the conference. The initiative, meant at fostering cultural tourism in the region and focusing on the enhancement of cultural heritage as an agent of development and of social cohesion, benefits of the financial support of the Italian Government. Among the aims of the November conference are to: enlarge the regional cooperation process on culture and cultural heritage, opening it to new subjects and new partners (with specific attention to the role of civil society, and of local government agencies); promote transborder, bilateral and multilateral cooperation between national/local tourism agencies and economic operators, for the development of regional cultural tourism.
[Conference Info at the UNESCO Website]
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