From the Media - Part 9
posted by maximilian hartmuth on 2005/07/12 00:57
[ From the Media ]
A public art project called "Leaps of Faith", supported by the European Cultural Foundation, has been opened in the UN-controlled buffer zone dividing the Cypriot city of Nicosia. Source: Newsletter of the European Cultural FoundationLeaps of Faith, an ambitious public art project supported by the ECF, opened on 14 May in the buffer zone of Nicosia, Cyprus. This is the first time in 30 years that a part of the UN-controlled Green Line dividing the island has hosted an artistic event. The exhibition and its 30 parallel events focused on the possibilities for political and cultural co-habitation, communication, and social change, as a way of imagining a peaceful and hopeful future for the island. The impact of this initiative has been overwhelming. Extensive media coverage (from The Economist, the Financial Times, Al Jazeera and BBC World to daily reports and cartoons in the Cypriot press on both sides of the green line) has reawakened public interest in the political deadlock that still haunts the island. In Nicosia, Leaps of Faith also ignited a lively debate about art and politics and where the two meet.
For links to press articles, visit the Gallery of or see
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