Calls for Papers - Part 10
posted by maximilian hartmuth on 2005/07/30 12:57
[ Calls for Papers ]
For a Fall 2006 Special Issue of the Anthropology of East Europe Review tentatively titled "Cultures of Consumerism in Postsocialist Central and Eastern Europe and Eurasia" critical essays are being solicited for a collection that will examine various aspects of consumer culture in post-socialist countries and how they have been transformed in the last 15 years. Deadline: February 1, 2006. Possible topics include, but are not limited to: shopping, marketing andadvertising, fast food, fashion, film, television, music, print media,branding,
credit cards, consumer loans, luxury goods, malls, supermarkets, discount
warehouse stores, tourism, e-commerce, technology, etc.
Essays should focus on how these things emerged or were changed during the
transition away from socialism and what impacts they are having on the daily
consumption practices and/or consumer preferences of citizens in the region.
Papers that investigate the intersections of gender and consumerism are
particularly encouraged.
Papers should be no more than 8,000 words (excluding endnotes and references)
and should be sent as electronic submissions as a Microsoft Word .doc (or as an
.rtf file) to:
All papers should be received no later than February 1, 2006.
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