Prishtina rents soaring due to "internationals"

posted by istanbul on 2008/11/19 12:51

[ From the Media ]

In Prishtina, as we read on Balkan Insight, "rich foreigners keep rental prices soaring." While landlords profit from the massive presence of "internationals", locals - ready to pay half of the 5-600 euros purported in the article as an average for a central flat rented by a foreigner - increasingly go empty. According to a letting agent, it's the internationals who "unintentionally push up the average going rate by specifying what rent they are prepared to pay." This reminds me of the Sarajevo days when (according to an often related story) a vastly overpaid chauffeur in a dark suit would laugh at a university professor looking for bargains and say: "Look at you! All that education and you where are you now?" It strikes me as odd that international agencies seemingly haven't learned from past mistakes. "Stability" (their mission, ain't it?) is something else.



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