Books - Part 18 - Part 2

posted by mh on 2007/06/19 12:05

[ Books ]

The diary of Nikolai Todorov, who, with his The Balkan City, 1400-1900, has made a seminal contribution to the study of Southeast European cities in the Ottoman period, has recently been published as: Nikolai Todorov, Dnevnik (1966-1998), 2 Vols. Ed. Varban Todorov. Sofia: IZTOK-ZAPAD, 2007. [ISBN 978-954-321-329-0] Theoretically, it should be available at (or via for the price of 70 leva (i.e. around 35 Euros; not really much for 2870 pages!). The publisher (in an email sendout) announces it as "a unique combination of several genres: autobiographical, historical and documentary. It consists of his extensive and methodically kept diary in the course of several decades, his autobiography written during the 1990s, as well as some documentary materials from his personal archive ... The diary is focused mostly on the scholarly and organizational activities of Nikolai Todorov, and allows a rare glimpse into the intimate workings of academic life during the communist period".



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