Grants - Part 6

posted by maximilian hartmuth on 2005/10/24 14:37

[ Grants ]

Koc University's Anatolian Civilizations Insitute (Istanbul) has announced a December 15, 2005 application deadline for 10 junior and 10 senior fellowships (residential) for the 2006-2007 academic year. ---
Residential Fellowships at Anatolian Civilizations Institute
Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey
for the Academic Year 2006-2007

Koç University invites applications from junior and senior scholars specializing in the archaeology, art history, history, and allied disciplines of Anatolia (and Istanbul) during the Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Seljuk, and Ottoman eras. Fellowships, which include accommodation, travel, and stipend, will be given to 10 Ph.D. candidates and 10 scholars with Ph.D. to spend the 2006-2007 academic year in Istanbul at Koç University's newly established Anatolian Civilizations Institute.

Located in the Beyoglu district of Istanbul, the Anatolian Civilizations Institute offers housing, study, and computer facilities to its fellows. It is near the libraries of the French, German, Swedish, and Dutch Institutes and other scholarly facilities in Istanbul. Successful candidates will be required to be resident in Istanbul during the 9-month academic year (Sept. 15-June 15). During this time they will devote themselves full time to their research. Fellows will be asked to give 2 lectures on their work during the course of the year. Fellows must be proficient in English, which is the language of instruction at Koç University. Applications from scholars of all nationalities are encouraged.



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