International Scientific Conference "Status and Development of the Media after the Changes of 1989 in Central and Eastern Europe"
posted by Mira on 2008/12/05 13:06
[ Sofia Events ]
An interesting conference is taking place today (9:30-18:30, 5 December, Aula) and tomorrow (9:30-18:30, 6 December, Auditorium 65) at the Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski".
The conference is organized by Le Monde Diplomatique – Bulgarian edition, Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication at Sofia University under the aegis of L’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie.
Journalists and media researchers from Albania, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia, Slovakia, Serbia, Poland, Romania, Hungary and France are discussing the following themes:
- Media as instrument for democratic governance: legislation, regulation and statute of journalists;
- Self-regulation: ethics and deontology of media, professional standards;
- Censorship and auto-censorship, freedom and excessive freedom;
- Connections and dependence of media on political, economic, financial power and mafia;
- Concentration of media, creation of conglomerates, owners, transparency of capitals;
- Media problems and problem topics in each of the countries;
- Media messages: stereotypes; values, information niches, blank fields.
Working languages are Bulgarian and French and simultaneous translation is provided.
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The Sofia Team in Vienna: A working session with the local kakanian penguins
