Research Presentation: Institute of Cultural Psychology and Qualitative Social Research

posted by ka:kanev on 2007/12/04 11:04

[ Sofia Events ]

Topical Science at Austrian Universities

Research Presentation
Date: Dec. 7, 2007 Sofia, Bulgaria
Rectorate, conference room 1

Aim of the Initiative:
The Vienna Institute of Cultural Psychology and Qualitative Social Research will be presenting its theoretical framework and empirical research. By inspiring discussions, its representatives would like to reach out for Bulgarian co-operation partners.

As an expression of the interdisciplinary work of the Institute, this invitation is addressed to cultural researchers and practitioners coming from a broad range of educational backgrounds. Together with the Center for Cultural Studies, Sofia we would like to invite scientists and students from the fields of cultural and social sciences, the arts, the humanities, but also people working for organisations, which are dealing with (inter-) cultural matters on a daily basis.


10:00 Opening
Introductory words by the organizers and coordinators of the research presentation

Viennese Cultural Psychology inspired by Media Theory
“The Theoretical and Methodological Profile of the Viennese School
of Cultural Psychology”

Thomas Slunecko: A. Univ. Prof. at the Department of Psychological Basic Research, Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna; Scientific Director at the Institute of Cultural Psychology and Qualitative Social Research

1988 graduation in psychology (University of Vienna), 1991/92 Fulbright scholar at the California Institute for Integral Studies (San Francisco, USA), 1992 licensed as a clinical psychologist, 1992-2001 assistant at the Department of Psychology (University of Vienna), 1993 licensed as a psychotherapist, 1995 Dr. phil. in psychology (University of Vienna), 2002 habilitation in psychology (University of Vienna), since 2002 associate professor at the Faculty of Psychology (University of Vienna), 2003 lectureship at the University of Delhi

research interests: cultural psychology, media theory, qualitative methods, design and market research


11: 30
Standards of Mutual Understanding as a Key to Qualitative Methodology
“An Introduction to Reconstructive Methods. Examples of Group Discussions and – Possibly – Pictures”

Aglaja Przyborski: Ass. Prof. at the Department of Communications, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Vienna; Scientific Director at the Institute of Cultural Psychology and Qualitative Social Research

Graduated in psychology (University of Vienna), 1993-1994 Research Assistant at the Department of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (Medical University of Vienna), 1997-1999 at the Department of Qualitative Educational Research (Freie Universität Berlin), since 2000 assistant professor at the Department of Communications, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Vienna, 2004 Dr. phil. in psychology (University of Vienna), 2007 licensed as a psychotherapist

research interests: development of qualitative, reconstructive methods and their imparting in teaching; in methodology with a focus on the documentary method; in discourse analysis, especially in its group discussion format; interpretation of pictures. Her main research areas are milieu- and gender specific orientations (adolescence and migration), market research and media research.


12.30 - 13.00: Coffee break

Film- and Video Interpretation through the Lens of the Documentary Method
“Broadcasting German and Turkish Cultures: A Video Interpretation of the German TV-Show Istanbul Total”

Stefan Hampl: Ph.D.-scholar at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna, Lecturer at the Sigmund Freud University Vienna; Executive chairman of the Institute of Cultural Psychology and Qualitative Social Research

2003 graduation in business administration (University of Economics and Business Administration Vienna), 2004 graduation in psychology (University of Vienna), 2004-2005 study assistant for cultural psychology and qualitative social research (University of Vienna), since 2004 dissertation in psychology, 2005-2007 lecturer at the Department of Psychological Basic Research (University of Vienna), since 2007 lecturer at the Department of Psychology (Sigmund Freud University Vienna)

research interests: reconstructive qualitative methods (particularly the interpretation of pictures, videos and films), trans-national mentalities, European Enlargement, cultures of organisations, culture sensitive market research


Re-constructing Women’s Experiences of Sexual Pain
“The Knowing Body as an Object of Cultural Psychology and Documentary Interpretation”

Julia Riegler: Ph.D.-scholar at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna, Lecturer at the Sigmund Freud University Vienna; Vice executive chairwoman of the Institute of Cultural Psychology and Qualitative Social Research

2006 graduation in psychology (University of Vienna), since 2006 study assistant for cultural psychology and qualitative social research (University of Vienna), since 2006 dissertation in psychology, since 2007 lecturer at the Department of Psychology (Sigmund Freud University Vienna)

research interests: reconstructive qualitative methods, body studies, feminist theory


End of Presentations: Wine and Snacks



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