Sofia Music - Part 6
[ Sofia Music ]
One of the interesting events this week in Sofia is that Kid Koala will play in Yalta on Wednesday /16 May/.Canada's turntable master Kid Koala was the first artist signed to the glorious Ninja Tune label. He is a name in electronic underground and often opens for music giants such as Beastie Boys, Radiohead and Bjork. So far, Kid Koala has recorded 3 full-lenght albums as well as a graphic novel – Nufonia Must Fall, accompanied by 17 minutes of his music. Just in case you need to refresh your memory about him and his music - click here.
Since several days it's impossible to book any tickets neither online nor from the usual places. Because of the great interest the greedy organizers decided to stop the advanced booking of tickets from 15 leva a whole week before the event and they will sell them on the day for 25 leva.
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