Sofia Events - Part 45

posted by Dimiter on 2007/05/21 16:50

[ Sofia Events ]

Public Lecture and Workshop by Prof. Marta Petrusewicz

A public lecture by Prof. Marta Petrusewicz, which will be delivered on May 30, 2007 at the The Red House Centre for Culture and Debate - 15, Ljuben Karavelov St., Sofia

and a workshop, which will be held by Prof. Marta Petrusewicz on May 31, 2007 at the Centre for Advanced Study Sofia - 70, Neofit Rilski Str., Sofia.
Marta Petrusewicz holds a Ph.D. at the University of Bologna and is currently Professor of History at the City University of New York, Hunter College and Fellow of the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin.

Her teaching interests include:
Modern European history, 19th century comparative European history, history and literature, economic and social history, comparative peripheries, history and representation.

Her research interests include:
Comparative history of the European peripheries in the 19th century, alternative ideas and practices of progress, romantic agrarianism, representations of the Souths.

Selected Publications:

- "The Modernization of the European Periphery; Ireland, Poland and the Two Sicilies, 1820-1870: Parallel and Connected, Distinct and Comparable" in Comparison and History: Europe in Cross-National Perspective ed. by Deborah Cohen and Maura O'Connor, Routledge 2004.

- Un Sogno irlandese: la storia di Constance Markiewicz comandante dell’ IRA (1868-1927), Roma: Manifesto Libri, 1998. Polish edition revised and augmented: Irlandzki sen: Zycie Konstancji Markiewiczowej-komendantki IRA (1868-1927), Warszawa: Twój Styl 2000.

- Come il Meridione divenne una Questione. Rappresentazioni del Sud prima e dopo il Quarantotto, Soveria Manelli: Rubettino, 1998.

- Latifundium: Moral Economy and Material Life in a 19th-Century Priphery, Ann Arbor: Universiy of Michigan Press 1996.



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