Sofia Events - Part 45
[ Sofia Events ]
Public Lecture and Workshop by Prof. Marta PetrusewiczA public lecture by Prof. Marta Petrusewicz, which will be delivered on May 30, 2007 at the The Red House Centre for Culture and Debate - 15, Ljuben Karavelov St., Sofia
and a workshop, which will be held by Prof. Marta Petrusewicz on May 31, 2007 at the Centre for Advanced Study Sofia - 70, Neofit Rilski Str., Sofia.
Marta Petrusewicz holds a Ph.D. at the University of Bologna and is currently Professor of History at the City University of New York, Hunter College and Fellow of the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin.
Her teaching interests include:
Modern European history, 19th century comparative European history, history and literature, economic and social history, comparative peripheries, history and representation.
Her research interests include:
Comparative history of the European peripheries in the 19th century, alternative ideas and practices of progress, romantic agrarianism, representations of the Souths.
Selected Publications:
- "The Modernization of the European Periphery; Ireland, Poland and the Two Sicilies, 1820-1870: Parallel and Connected, Distinct and Comparable" in Comparison and History: Europe in Cross-National Perspective ed. by Deborah Cohen and Maura O'Connor, Routledge 2004.
- Un Sogno irlandese: la storia di Constance Markiewicz comandante dell’ IRA (1868-1927), Roma: Manifesto Libri, 1998. Polish edition revised and augmented: Irlandzki sen: Zycie Konstancji Markiewiczowej-komendantki IRA (1868-1927), Warszawa: Twój Styl 2000.
- Come il Meridione divenne una Questione. Rappresentazioni del Sud prima e dopo il Quarantotto, Soveria Manelli: Rubettino, 1998.
- Latifundium: Moral Economy and Material Life in a 19th-Century Priphery, Ann Arbor: Universiy of Michigan Press 1996.
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