Digitization of the Cultural Heritage - Part 4

posted by ka:kanev on 2006/01/31 09:23

[ Digitization of the Cultural Heritage ]

Just to add also my contribution to the Emergence3 // Media in Central and South East Europe since 1945

And here is the abstract of the presentation:

The Bulgarian Internet Situation

A historical, sociological and cultural overview/analysis

The dispersing of the “Gutenberg galaxy” and the advent of the new media, the Internet and the world wide web, and the dawning of the Cyber age as a complex set of historical, technological, economic, social and cultural processes mark the shift in the global fin de millennium human condition. These processes, accelerated by the progressive time-space compression of the new information and communication technologies (ICT) and the globalization have their fundamental impact, in a more local and modest way of course, also in Bulgaria.

The paper will present an overview of the history, character, local specifities, dissemination, usage and access to/of the Internet in Bulgaria from its first steps in the beginning of the 90’s of the 20th century to the present days. The key questions that I will elaborate upon will be directed towards the Bulgarian situation with short references to their general dimensions and conditions and could be structured in 3 different levels of analysis:

The specific role of the academia and the “electronic elites” as the pioneers of the Internet in Bulgaria and the present situation;

Is there such thing as “e-Bulgaria”?: the situation with the Bulgarian “e-”s – e-government, e-democracy, e-culture, e-commerce, e-ntertainment;

The problem of access, the “digital divide” within and without Bulgaria and the diachrony/dichotomy between the “connected” and the “disconnected”.


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