Rezensionen | Reviews (3)

 Conceptualizing Ukrainian Postmodernism 

posted by Augustin Nicolescou 16 years ago

Stefan Simonek takes a look at Tamara Hundorova's latest work Pisliachornobylska biblioteka. Ukrainskyi literaturnyi postmodern, which deals with postmodernity in Ukrainian literature in the post-Chernobyl era. The evolution of post-modernity in Ukrainian literature is examined in depth in this work, and the reviewer guides us through these developments as described by Hunderova, bringing numerous insights into the tendencies and actors which make up Ukrainian postmodern literature.

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 New World Disorder 

posted by Augustin Nicolescou 17 years ago

In his review, Jeppe Juul Petersen takes a look at Robert Cooper’s latest book entitled The Breaking of Nations – Order and Chaos in the Twenty-First Century. The fall of communism brought great expectations for change in the geopolitical situation. There has been many changes, but they have fallen far short of what was hoped for. The situation in the world has become more chaotic and complex. Petersen’s review looks at one explanation for how we have reached this point.

 Ungarn als Sehnsuchtsland 

posted by Amalia Kerekes 17 years ago

Wie sich eine Biografie anhand übersetzter Werke neu erzählen lässt, dafür bietet die vor kurzem erschienene Edition von Franz Fühmanns "Werkstattbriefe" ein kulturhistorisch relevantes Zeugnis, das von Lutz Volke auf Kakanien revisited [.pdf] ausführlich besprochen wurde.

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