European Off Network - Part 21

posted by Angela Eder on 2006/02/15 18:02

[ European Off Network ]

The IETM annual spring plenary meeting will be held in Istanbul from April 19-23, 2006
European Off Network is one of the 400 professional performing arts member organisations of the IETM, "a membership organisation which exists to stimulate the quality, development and contexts of contemporary performing arts in a global environment by initiating and facilitating professional networking and communication, the dynamic exchange of information, know-how transfer and presentations of examples of good practice".
From April 19th to April 23rd this years IETM annual spring plenary meeting will take place at Istanbul, Turkey.
One of the focus points of this meeting is to offer a chance to "meet Turkish colleagues, see artistic work and the conditiions of making and presnting it, and start to understand some elements of Turkish society". In 1989 the IETM "was immediately actively making bridges and organizing IETM meetings in the newly independent countries of Central and Eastern Europe in order to build foundations for equal exchanges between performing arts colleagues in the West and the East".
The forthcoming meeting in Istanbul will therefore be just one further way to strengthen these newly formed European network and to "lay foundations for sustainable artistic" cooperations, "exchange and communication".
The meeting in Istanbul will be organized by Avrupa Kültür Derneği, who has already built two cultural networks in Turkey: "Europist" (European Culture Association)- a platform of national foreign cultural institutions of European countries in Istanbul, and the "Cultural Managers' Network".




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