Events | Calls - Part 28

posted by WFischer on 2007/09/27 11:53

[ events | calls ]


Descriptio Urbis
Measuring and representing the modern and contemporary city


27.-29. März 2008

International Conference

Organized by:
CROMA - Università Roma Tre
Comune di Roma - Archivio storico Capitolino
MiBAC - Direzione generale per gli Archivi
MiBAC - Archivio di Stato di Roma
Telemme, UMR 6570 Université de Provence - CNRS
Université de Paris XII-Val de Marne - Institut J. B. Say

With the support of:
AISU (Associazione Italiana di Storia Urbana)
SISE (Società Italiana degli Storici dell’Economia)

The list of sessions selected by the Scientific Committee can now be found on the Conference web site:

The deadline for paper proposals is 20 November 2007.
On-line registration and abstract submission will be opened from the 10th of September 2007 at the Conference website.
Registration can be done as participant or as author:
* Principal authors should submit their registration form including the title of the contribution and an abstract from 10th of September to 20th of November 2007;
* Participants should register by the end of February.

Please note that only proposals sent following the on-line registration procedure will be accepted. Authors should place their abstracts in English, French or Italian.

The registration fee is 100 euro. Participants are responsible for making their own financial, travel and accommodation arrangements.

Contributions from young authors (under 35 years) are encouraged. For this purpose, two special prizes will be awarded to young author's contributions.

A small number of scholarships for postgraduates will also be awarded to cover registration fee and/or accommodation costs. Preference will be accorded to candidates from developing countries, whose proposals have been accepted. To apply for a scholarship please contact the conference secretariat via email.

Important dates

Submission of abstracts and registration of authors: 10 September - 20 November, 2007
Notification of acceptance for abstracts: 20 December, 2007
Issue of preliminary programme: January 2008
Release of the final programme: February 2008
Submission of full papers: 29 February, 2008

Further information can be found at the Conference Web site:

All enquiries about the conference can be sent to the conference secretariat
Phone. +39 06 57334016
Fax. +39 06 57334030



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