Chris Armbruster

Research Associate MPDL, Max Planck Society, Berlin and Executive Director, Research Network 1989


Open Access - Will It Happen in the Social Sciences and Humanities?


Max Planck Society & RN 1989

  • Make OA happen
  • Research scholarly communication (European Observatory on Publishing, Preservation and Access - EUROPA)
  • Building of digital, trans-national 'collaboratories'
  • Open Access publishing
Project: Publishing and the Ecology of European Research (PEER)
  • Large-scale archiving of Stage 2 Ms (50.000+ to 2.011)
  • EUROPA investigates usage, behaviour and economics
Project: Study on Open Access Publishing (SOAP) Project: OA journal 1989
  • Vision (Reviews, Method, Theory, Research, Policy)
  • Target audience and contributors
  • Rationale for going OA
  • A professional OA journal in SSH?
  • An endowment as a business model?
OA in STM & SSH Five reasons for OA in SSH
  • Facilitating the advancement of knowledge claims
  • Enabling globally inclusive scholarly communication
  • Accounting for the rise of comparative and trans-national research
  • Increasing public visibility and enhancing impact for teaching and learning
  • Opening an innovative space for publishing, peer review and scholarly exchanges
Five Roads to OA in SSH
  • Start an Open Access journal and give preference in submission to Open Access journals
  • Deposit your papers in a disciplinary or institutional Open Access e-print repository
  • Assert your authors’ rights and retain the copyright when you publish
  • Work to ensure lifelong access for university alumni to electronic libraries
  • Help to spread discounted and free access in low-income countries

Green & Gold OA

Technical, legal and financial parameters

  • Technical parameter: Globally integrated science requires open standards,
  • interoperability and open archiving
  • Financial parameter: New and more investment in scientific publishing is needed, particularly in certification and navigation services
  • Legal parameter: It is conditioned by the optimality of non-exclusive licenses to organise the certification of research results.

The Scholarly Communication Cycle

OA in the Knowledge Economy

OA in SSH: on backwardness and unintended consequences

  • Will there be a nexus between visibility, impact and public funding?
  • As OA is tied to the WWW, will in future the head be shorter and the tail longer?
  • If OA enhances metrics, mining and semantics for a technology-driven advancement of knowledge... must all go OA?


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